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Is Medical Marijuana Helpful in Chronic Diseases?

The use of medical marijuana is legalized in many states of the US including Nevada. The reason for this is the proven benefits of marijuana in the treatment of several diseases. The U.S Food and Drug Administration has also observed the efficiency of cannabis in the treatment of chronic diseases. Here is the list of qualifying conditions that can help you get a Medical Marijuana card.


Stress has become a part of everyday life. Every person is suffering from it in one way or another. When it reaches a high limit, it becomes very dangerous for the patient. It weakens or even ends the response system of a person. He cannot think and react properly. When the condition becomes worse it may even cause death. So, whenever the body feels excess pressure, taking two or three puffs of Marijuana can help relieve stress.

A person who has been suffering from stress for a long time can get a recommendation to use medical marijuana at a Nevada MMJ card doctor and also apply for a Medical Marijuana Grower License in Nevada to cultivate marijuana at home. A medical marijuana license is useful for the patients who need regular dosage but can’t afford the cost to buy from a dispensary.


Anxiety is also a medical condition that is less severe at the initial stage but if left untreated for a long time can lead to serious mental disorders. As there are limited studies present on the use of CBD products, the use of marijuana is limited. It is not a new one according to its existence and used for pain relief. The use of medical marijuana decreases pain intensity, resulting in relief from it.


Alzheimer’s disease is mainly associated with memory loss, cell death, and the inability of thinking. In the patient suffering from this disease, the nerve breakdown takes place. The flow of the blood to the brain reduces and as a result, the brain shrinks. A small dosage of CBD produces beta-amyloid proteins that are helpful in Alzheimer’s treatment. Also, NIH reported that studies prove that Cannabinoid has neuroprotective properties and reduces neuroinflammation. These properties help in treating Alzheimer's disease.

Chronic Pains

Pain is an unpleasant condition in which the body suffers from a prick, sting, burn or ache. If it stays for a long time it results in the form of chronic pain. The use of medical marijuana has shown significant relief from chronic pains. It shows immunomodulatory effects which help in alleviating the pains. A CB2 cannabinoid inhibits blood molecular cells that show significant benefit in neuroinflammation.


Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. The patient suffering from cancer goes through multiple chemotherapies which is very painful. It also leads to other body illnesses such as vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss, and nausea. A medicated dosage of medical cannabis helps in alleviating these symptoms as it shows anticancer properties. It decreases cell viability and shows the therapeutic effects.

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